
1. Introduction

Heretic.Network is a free and private community/network for neurodivergent people that is made by, operated by, and hosted by a community of neurodivergent technology enthusiasts. Heretic.Network hosts and runs a variety of different services and servers for their community. the CSS framework Bootstrap 4. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its The main purpose of Heretic.Network is to bring unusual and intelligent neurodivergent people together so that they have their own places to share content and meet people like themselves.

This Help/Support/Documentation site is meant to provide Help, Tutorials, and Information for how to use the many different servers and services that we offer. From websites, services, and servers we run, to software we develop and much more. You can find help for all of them here.

Here are some useful links for Heretic.Network:

Main Website: Heretic.Network Website
Social Network: Heretic.Network Social
Get In Touch: Get In Touch/Contact
Official Discord: Our Discord Server

NOTE: These services are private and reserved for Heretic.Network community members only. Once you setup accounts on our discord server/social network/services and become established in our community then you can gain access to our many services and servers that we host and operate.
2. Websites/Services
  • Our Main Website
  • Our Social Network
  • Our Discord Server
  • Our Revolt Server
  • Our IRC Server
  • Our Game Servers
  • Our Gaming Service
  • Our Streaming Media Servers
  • Our Discord/Revolt/IRC Bots
  • Our Open Source Projects
  • Our APIs
  • Our Apps/Clients
  • Our Software Development
  • Our Hosting Services
  • Our Private Services
  • Our Help/Documentation
3. Ranks/Access

Users that are active on our Discord/Revolt/IRC/Social Network/Game Servers and Other Services are rewarded with upgraded access and the ability to add new roles and access services/features that are not available to new/inactive users. We build trust and reputation in our community by being active, contributing, and using our services. Active users are rewarded with experience, new ranks, and access to new content and exclusive content/services at each new rank.

You can enable new access by using the Access-Roles and Unlock Levels channels on discord/revolt:

Access-Roles Channel (discord/revolt) + Unlock Channels (unlock_2-5 & unlock_6-9) = React to Enable Roles/Access.

Note: All users start out at Rank 1 and only have access to the the Main Space Category, Entertainment Category, Gaming Category, & Technology Category. Active users gain experience and are rewarded with higher rank that gives more access.
Heretic.Network Ranks/
  |-- Rank 1 (Standard/Basic Access)
  |-- Rank 2 (New Roles/Access)
  |-- Rank 3 (New Roles/Features)
  |-- Rank 4 (New Roles/Abilities)
  |-- Rank 5 (New Roles/Special)
  |-- Rank 6 (New Roles/Services)
  |-- Rank 7 (More Roles/Access/Services)
  |-- Rank 8 (Even Better Roles/Access)
  |-- Rank 9 (Excellent Roles/Access)
  |-- Rank 10 (All Access + Services)
4. Gaming Servers

We run our own Custom Gaming Service similar to steam where community members can develop their own games in unreal engine, unity 3d, and godot and submit them to our service for other users to play for free. Our community is full of developers, creatives, and people that love to share their creations with others.

The Heretic Gaming Client is only currently supported in the following operating systems:

Links to the Heretic Gaming Client can be found in our official discord/revolt servers. All community developed games must be reviewed and tested before being added to our custom gaming client. Heretic.Network loves community, open source, and sharing creativity!

5. Streaming Services

Our community has access to exclusive invite only specialty streaming services not available to the public, access must be requested via discord/revolt to users of a certain rank or higher.

You can find help and more information in our discord/revolt servers.

  • Apps/Clients are available for every device/operating system you can think of.
  • Access is Invite Only and only available for users of a certain rank that request it.

These services are provided by the community with exclusive partnerships are not to be shared with anyone outside of the community. Any users caught abusing these services or sharing access will have their access removed permanently.

6. Discord/Revolt Bots

Here are some standard commands and information regarding usage of the discord/revolt bots on Heretic.Network:

  • We have many different bots on Heretic.Network
  • We ask that everyone use them in the appropriate channels such as #bots-tools and other appropriate channels
  • They are free for all Heretic.Network users to utilize, but some features are unlocked by rank

Here is a list of commands and information regarding our bots.

Bot Commands, Channels, and Usage:
    Bots and Commands

    !help - displays simple help/information about standard bot commands and usage

    !rules - lists the rules of the discord/revolt/irc servers

    !levels - lists standard simple leaderboard

    !commands - lists commands that can be used on discord/revolt

    !prefix - lists the different bot prefixes and explains which prefix goes to which bot

    !music - list of commands htat play music in voice chat

    _help - Terminal bot help

    _cmds - Terminal bot commands

    +help - Heretic bot help

    !aiart - lists commands for interacting with the ai art generating bots in the #ai-art channel

    !audio - lists commands for audio features across our different bots like HereticAudio and Terminal.

    !irc - lists irc server information to the requesting user

    !lol - shows league of legends commands (like player stats and more)

    !smite - shows smite commands (like player stats and more)

    !meme - shows you how to generate memes in the memes channel

    !minecraft - lists the minecraft server information

    !veloren - lists the veloren server information

    !wolfet - lists the wolfenstein enemy territory server information

7. Terminal Bot


The command prefix for Terminal Bot is _ (underscore) which can be used like _help or _commands.

To list the help and information for Terminal Bot you can use:

_help or _h

To list all of the commands for Terminal Bot you can use:

_commands or _cmds
Full List of Commands/Usage

You can find the full list of commands and usage for Terminal Bot here including user and administrator commands as well as detailed usage and syntax information.

Terminal Bot was originally based off of a popular open source discord bot, but has been heavily modified and had many additional new unique features added to improve functionality, performance, flexibility, and the ability to add-on modular plugins easily.

Terminal is a Heretic.Network discord bot but can be invited to your own discord server too.
The current stable source code is also available if you'd like to host your own version of Terminal Bot.
Only users with the appropriate rank/role can invite Terminal Bot or Download The Source/Binaries.

The newest version of Terminal Bot (v2.x) is written in .net 6 and requires the following dependencies for full functionality:

.net 6 | windows/linux/mac os [32bit or 64bit but 64bit preferred]
redis | windows/linux/mac os [32bit or 64bit but 64bit preferred]
ffmpeg-64bit | windows/linux/mac os [32bit or 64bit but 64bit preferred]
youtube-dl | windows/linux/mac os [32bit or 64bit but 64bit preferred]

The old version of Terminal Bot (v1.x) is written in .net 5 and requires the following depdendencies for full functionality:

// Updates/Development of this version of Terminal Bot (v1.x) have been discontinuted.

.net 5 | windows/linux/mac os [32bit or 64bit but 64bit preferred]
redis | windows/linux/mac os [32bit or 64bit but 64bit preferred]
ffmpeg-64bit | windows/linux/mac os [32bit or 64bit but 64bit preferred]
youtube-dl | windows/linux/mac os [32bit or 64bit but 64bit preferred]
visual C++ 2010 x86 & visual C++ 2017 x64 - only applies to older versions of Terminal (v1.x) using .net 5

The Source Code and Binaries for both v1.x (discontinuted) and v2.x (newest/stable)
can be found on the Discord/Revolt/BBS/SFTP & Invite Only Private Community Gitlab.

Heretic.Network Discord/Revolt Servers download access { source/binaries }
Heretic.Network Private Telnet/SSH BBS download access { source/binaries }
Heretic.Network Private Gitlab Server download access { source/binaries }
Heretic.Network Private SFTP Server download access { source/binaries }

There are both terminal/command line versions & visual graphic user interface versions of Terminal Bot that you can build/install/use, but the visual gui version only currently works in windows 10/11.

// command line terminal version
Terminal Bot v2.x (windows/linux/mac os) { command line only }

// visual graphical user interface version
Terminal Bot v2.x (windows only gui) { graphical interface }

Windows Installation Instructions & Guide [v2.x] with Visual GUI:

Requires: Windows 8 or later [64-bit] (Windows 10/11 & Windows Server 2016/2019 will also work)
Create a Discord Bot application and invite the bot to your server at
Use GUI Setup/Installer and create a new bot by pressing + Then Name The Bot, Click on Setup, Download The Newest Version
Click on "Install" Next to "Redis" (or install redis manually from
Install next to FFMPEG and Youtube-DL (You need these if you want to use the Music Feature)
When installation is finished, click on CREDS to the left of RUN in the lower right.
Set up the creds.yml file and Click "Run" to Run Your New Bot. 

Windows Installation Instructions & Guide [v2.x] From Source/Command Line:

Install .net 6 and git (Windows 8/10/11 & Windows Server 2016/2019 will also work)
git clone the project with `-b v4 --depth 1` then cd into the project directory
dotnet publish -c Release -o output/ src/TerminalBot/ then cd output
(copy) cp creds_example.yml creds.yml then open creds.yml in an editor and enter your bot's token/3rd party api keys
Then Run the bot with `dotnet TerminalBot.dll` (to update use git pull)
Manual Redist Install:
Manual ffmpeg-32bit Install: 
Manual ffmpeg-64bit:
Manual youtube-dl Install:

Linux Installation Instructions & Guide [v2.x]:

cd ~ && wget -N && bash Install prerequisites (type 1 then press enter), Download (type 2 then press enter), Run (type 3 and press enter), Done!
Copy the creds.yml template cp terminalbot/output/creds_example.yml terminalbot/output/creds.yml then Open terminalbot/output/creds.yml with your favorite editor.
Setup the Bot with your discord developer token and 3rd party apis run the installer script again, then type 3 and hit enter to run the bot.
Update: Update and run the new installer script cd ~ && wget -N && bash Update both by typing 2 and hit enter, run bot by pressing 3 and hit enter
Installing Redis: sudo apt-get install redis-server
Installing ffmpeg, libopus, libsodium and youtube-dl (requires python 3): sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libopus0 opus-tools libopus-dev libsodium-dev -y
If you need python 3 use: sudo apt-get install python3.8 python-is-python3

Mac OS X Installation Instructions & Guide [v2.x]:

Requires: Installing Homebrew, Wget, and DotNet (Skip next step if you have homebrew installed)
Install Homebrew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" Install Wget: brew install wget
Download .net6 SDK, Open the .pkg file you've downloaded and install it.
sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin (then) sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
Then follow the Linux Instructions above starting at the first step once you've done all of that.

API Keys, Permissions, Reactions, & Placeholders

There are only a few things left to cover in the terminal bot documentation, like api/advanced credentials, permissions, custom reactions, and placeholders. So I'm going to briefly run through each one, give a quick rundown, and list as many useful details as I can fit into the final documentation.

This part covers API/Advanced Credentials so you can integrated other services:

GoogleAPIKey: Youtube Data API v3 (for music) from
MashapeKey: for Hrealthstone Cards Api key obtained on (register -> go to MyApps -> Add New App -> Enter Name -> Application key)
OsuApiKey: for Osu commands Get from
CleverbotApiKey: for Cleverbot Get from
PatreonAccessToken: For Patreon creators only PatreonCampaignId: ID of your campaign.
TwitchClientId & TwitchClientSecret: For Following Twitch Streams Register Application on
LocationIqApiKey: for .time api key
TimezoneDbApiKey: for .time api key
CoinmarketcapApiKey: for .crypto

This part covers Permissions in Terminal Bot:

Permissions Commands are very helpful at setting who can use what commands in a server. All commands and modules are enabled by default. If something is a bot owner only command, it can only be ran by the bot owner, the person who is running the bot, or has their ID in the creds.yml file. Several commands still require that you have the correct permissions on Discord to be able to use them, so for users to be able to use commands like .kick and .voicemute, they need Kick and Mute Members server permissions, respectively. To change permissions you must meet the following requirements: Have Administrator Server Permission (or) If you are NOT the server owner or an admin, get the role set to .permrole (there is no permission role by default).
You can also find more commands in the command list linked above near the beginning of the Terminal Bot section.

  .lp                    views permission chain : rule at the top of the chain takes priority over all rules below it
  .rp X                  remove a permission from the chain of permissions : remove rule number X
  .mp X Y                move rule number X to number Y : moving, not swapping
  .verbose true          bot notifies users why they can't use a command or module : tells you what rule is preventing the command from being used
  .asm disable           Disables all modules on the entire server : .acm enable #bot-channel enables all in specific channel
  .resetperms            Resets the permission chain back to default : just in case you need to reset it
  .acm disable #channel  Disables all modules in a channel : .cm Gambling enable #channel enables usage of module

This part covers Custom Reactions in Terminal Bot:

For modifying global expressions, the ones which will work across all the servers your bot is connected to, you must be a Bot Owner. You must also use the commands for adding, deleting and listing these expressions in a direct message with the bot.
For modifying local expressions, the ones which will only work on the server that they are added on, it is required to have the Administrator permission. You must also use the commands for adding, deleting and listing these expressions in the server you want the expressions to work on.

  .exa:        .exadd "hello" Hi there, %user%!  .exadd "Nice Weather" It sure is, %user%!
  .exl:        .exl 1                            Lists a page of global or server expression(15 expressions per page). Running this command in a DM will list the global expression, while running it in a server will list that server's expression.
  .exd:        .exd 5                            Deletes an expression based on the provided index. Running this command in a server requires the Administrator permission. Running this command in DM is Bot Owner only, and will delete a global expression.
  .exa /o/ -:  blocks global expressions         If you want to disable a global expression which you do not like, and you do not want to remove it, or you are not the bot owner, you can do so by adding a new expression with the same trigger on your server, and set the response to -.

This part covers Placeholders so you can customize strings and language files:

Placeholders are used in Quotes, Expressions, Greet/Bye messages, playing statuses, and a few other places. They can be used to make the message more user friendly, generate random numbers or pictures, and more! Some features have their own specific placeholders which are noted in that feature's command help. Some placeholders are not available in certain features because they don't make sense to discord to be used in certain ways.

  // Bot Placeholders
  %bot.status% - Bot's status (Online, Idle, DoNotDisturb, Invisible)
  %bot.latency% - Bot latency - Bot username
  %bot.mention% - Bot mention (clickable)
  %bot.fullname% - Bot username#discriminator
  %bot.time% - Bot time (usually the time of the server it's hosted on)
  %bot.discrim% - Bot's discriminator - Bot's user ID
  %bot.avatar% - Bot's avatar url
  // Server Placeholders - Server ID - Server name
  %server.members% - Member count
  %server.boosters% - Number of users boosting the server
  %server.boost_level% - Server Boost level
  %server.time% - Server time (requires .timezone to be set)
  // Channel Placeholders
  %channel.mention% - Channel mention (clickable) - Channel name - Channel ID
  %channel.created% - Channel creation date
  %channel.nsfw% - Returns either True or False, depending on if the channel is designated as NSFW by discord
  %channel.topic% - Channel topic
  // User Placeholders
  %user.mention% - User mention
  %user.fullname% - Username#discriminator - Username
  %user.discrim% - Discriminator
  %user.avatar% - User's avatar url - User ID
  %user.created_time% - Account creation time (local time)
  %user.created_date% - Account creation date
  %user.joined_time% - Account join time (local time)
  %user.joined_date% - Account join date
  // Ban Message Placeholders
  %ban.mod% - Full name of the moderator who performed the ban
  %ban.mod.fullname% - Full name of the moderator who performed the ban
  %ban.mod.mention% - Moderator's mention - Name of the moderator - Admin
  %ban.mod.discrim% - Discriminator of the moderator - 1234
  %ban.user% - Full name of the banned user
  %ban.user.fullname% - Full name of the banned user - Name of the banned user
  %ban.user.discrim% - Discriminator of the banned user
  %ban.reason% - Reason for the ban, if provided
  %ban.duration% - Duration of the ban in the form Days.Hours:Minutes (6.05:04)
  // Bot Stats Message Placeholders
  %servers% - Server count bot has joined
  %users% - Combined user count on servers the bot has joined
  // Shard Stats Placeholders
  %shard.servercount% - Server count on current shard
  %shard.usercount% - Combined user count on current shard - Shard ID
  // Music Placeholders
  %music.queued% - Number of songs currently queued
  %music.playing% - Current song name (random playing song if bot is playing on multiple servers)
  %music.servers% - Number of servers currently listening to music
  // Miscellaneous Placeholders
  %rngX-Y% - Returns a random number between X and Y
  %target% - Returns anything the user has written after the trigger (only works on Expressions)
  %img:stuff% - Returns an search for "stuff" (only works on Expressions)

If you need any further help or support, please reach out in discord/revolt/irc on Heretic.Network

8. HereticAudio Bot

HereticAudio Bot plays any audio you want in a voice channel, here are the lists of commands and command usage with details:
This bot does not use a prefix like other bots, instead you must tag the bot to issue the command (example: @HereticAudio help)

HereticAudio Simple Commands
Command Description
@HereticAudio about shows information about this bot
@HereticAudio ping checks the bot's latency
@HereticAudio settings shows the bot's settings

HereticAudio Music Commands
Command Description
@HereticAudio lyrics [song name] shows the lyrics of a song
@HereticAudio nowplaying shows the song that is currently playing
@HereticAudio play plays the provided song (example: @HereticAudio Play Sleep Token Granite or Play )
@HereticAudio playlists shows the available playlists
@HereticAudio queue [pagenum] shows the current queue
@HereticAudio remove removes a song from the queue
@HereticAudio search searches Youtube for a provided query
@HereticAudio scsearch searches Soundcloud for a provided query
@HereticAudio shuffle shuffles songs you already have added to the queue
@HereticAudio skip votes to skip the current song (requires majority of votes to skip)

HereticAudio DJ Commands
Command Description
@HereticAudio forceremove removes all entries by a user from the queue
@HereticAudio forceskip skips the current song
@HereticAudio movetrack move a track in the current queue to a different position
@HereticAudio pause pauses the current song
@HereticAudio playnext plays a single song next
@HereticAudio repeat [off|all|single] re-adds music to the queue when finished
@HereticAudio skipto skips to the specified song
@HereticAudio stop stops the current song and clears the queue
@HereticAudio volume [0-150] sets volume or shows volume level

HereticAudio Admin/Moderator Commands
Command Description
@HereticAudio prefix sets a server-specific prefix
@HereticAudio setdj sets the DJ role for certain music commands
@HereticAudio setskip <0 - 100> sets a server-specific skip percentage
@HereticAudio settc sets the text channel for music commands
@HereticAudio setvc sets the voice channel for playing music

HereticAudio Owner Commands
Command Description
@HereticAudio autoplaylist sets the default playlist for the server
@HereticAudio debug shows debug info
@HereticAudio playlist playlist management
@HereticAudio setavatar sets the avatar of the bot
@HereticAudio setgame [action] [game] sets the game the bot is playing
@HereticAudio setname sets the name of the bot
@HereticAudio setstatus sets the status the bot displays
@HereticAudio shutdown safely shuts down
9. Heretic Gaming
Heretic Gaming Platform/Service

Heretic Gaming is a Private Gaming Service & Client, it is very similar to Steam in that it allows users to download/install games from a library of games that users created in unreal engine, unity3d, godot, and more.

Our Gaming Platform (Heretic Gaming) is based on a free and open source steam like project. All games are reviewed and checked for quality, security, and compatibilty to make sure nothing breaks our service or the devices of the members that use it. Heretic.Network has a lot of creative and talented people and this is a way for people to share their creativity with others easily.

Supported Platforms/Devices/Operating Systems
    |-- Windows x64 (Windows 8/10/11 64-bit Fully Supported)
    |-- Linux x64 (Linux Debian/Arch 64-bit Fully Supported)
    |-- Mac OS X for Intel & M1 Chips (Not Supported or In Development)
    |-- Android (Not Supported or In Development)
    |-- Apple iOS (Not Supported or In Development)
    |-- Web/Electron Based Client (In Early Development)
// Heretic.Network Project/Developer Notes

 We are currently in the early stages of development for the 'Heretic Gaming' Service/Platform;
 Right now as of March 2023 the project is in the early stages of a 'Closed Alpha/Beta' for select Heretic.Network Users/Beta Testers,
 and the project is still in the early stages as it's a relatively new project for our Dev team where we only have the frame/skeleton of the system working at the moment.

 Once we have wrapped on our other priority development projects, we will put more focus into this platform and are hoping to see an Autumn 2023 Open Beta for all Heretic.Network Users.

 // List of Heretic.Network Game Servers that are Up/Online for community members to Play on
 Heretic.Network 'Minecraft Server' - Online/Dedicated (get server details on discord)
 Heretic.Network 'Veloren Server' - Online/Dedicated (get server details on discord)
 Heretic.Network 'ETLegacy Server' - Online/Dedicated (get server details on discord)
 Heretic.Network 'Duke Nukem Forever Server' - Online/Dedicated (get server details on discord)
Note: We are in the early stages of develpment of Heretic Gaming Platform, but in the mean time we do offer several hosted gaming servers for community members to play on. We will update this section with videos/screenshots soon.
10. Social Network

You can easily find Help and Answers for our Social Network on our Social Network in the Help Section and the Help Forums/Groups. Below you will find a list of links to pages and features of Heretic Social to help people find what they're looking for as well as help links to Official Support Profiles/Groups/Forums and more.

Heretic Social Links/Help

Heretic Social: Our Social Network
Heretic Social Login: Login to Heretic Social
Heretic Social Register: Register at Heretic Social
Heretic Social Forgot Password: Forgot Password at Heretic Social
Heretic Social Apps: Heretic Social Apps
Heretic Social Forums: Heretic Social Forums
Heretic Social Games: Heretic Social Games
Heretic Social Groups: Heretic Social Groups
Heretic Social Blogs: Heretic Social Blogs
Heretic Social Events: Heretic Social Events
Heretic Social Pages: Heretic Social Pages
Heretic Social Terms Of Use: Heretic Social TOS
Heretic Social Privacy Policy: Heretic Social Privacy Policy
Heretic Social Things in Common: Heretic Social Things In Common
Heretic Social Memories: Heretic Social Memories
Heretic Social Saved Posts: Heretic Social Saved Posts
Heretic Social Search/Explore: Search/Explore Heretic Social
Heretic Social Developers/API: Heretic Social Developer API

Official Support Profiles/Resources

Heretic Support Profile: Official Heretic Support Profile
Heretic Support Group: Official Heretic Support Group
Heretic Support Forum: Official Heretic Support Forum
Heretic Support Page: Official Heretic Support Page

Heretic Social Developers API

Here are some Links and Information on how to use our Social Network's Developers API.

Developers Links:   My Apps | Developers | Share Plugin

Where/How to Start Developing for Heretic Social?
Name Meaning Values Description Required
type Query type get_user_data, posts_data This parameter specify the type of the query. Yes
limit Limit of items LIMIT This parameter specify the limit of items. Max:100 | Default:20 No

We love developers and we encourage everyone to develop and design games and integrations for Heretic.Social!

11. APIs/Development

Heretic.Network has several APIs for Developers to use! From our Social Network (above) to our gaming platform and much more, we love developers and everything we're making is developer friendly!

// Operational Heretic.Network Developer APIs
@Heretic.Network Main API ('');
@Heretic Social API ('');
@Heretic Gaming API (' - coming soon - ');
@Heretic Mod/Staff API (' - not listed - ');

// We're working on new Systems and APIs all the time!

Heretic.Network API  |  Social Network API  |  Heretic Gaming API  |  More to be added this year!
12. Heretic.Network Apps

We're working on Apps for every device and operating system to help add accessibility for users!

App Name App Details/Information
Heretic Social App Our Social Network Timeline/Messenger App for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Heretic Gaming App Our Heretic Gaming Platform App/Client for Windows and Linux.
Heretic IRC App Our Heretic IRC App/Client for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
More Coming Soon We have more Apps in Development right now & plan on launching more new Apps and Services in 2023.

Heretic.Network Development Team

We're always working on this community network and coming up with new ideas, we can't wait to bring you more neat stuff!

13. Clients/Software

We've released a few but are busy working on more new clients for our services right now!

Client Details/Information
Heretic Social Client Our Social Network Timeline/Messenger for Desktop.
Heretic Gaming Client Our Heretic Gaming Platform App/Client for Windows and Linux, with a new web based client dropping later this year.
Heretic IRC Client & Web Client Our Heretic IRC Client for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and our IRC Web Client on our website.
More Clients Coming Soon We have many new Clients, Web Apps, and more in Development right now & plan on launching more new Clients and Services in 2023.

Heretic.Network Development Team

We've always worked together to provide great services, clients, and software to our community and we're just getting started! You can find many great projects on our community's github, private gitlab, and on our personal open source profiles. We take pride in contributing to the Open Source community on so many projects, and look forward to starting new projects in the future!

14. Hosting Services
We are community powered!

We do what we do to bring people like us together, we are hosted and powered by ourselves. We don't like advertisements and invasion of privacy, we are building what we want to see more of in the world.

If you need help with one of our services/servers, please contact us directly on Discord.

14. Tutorials
This section is under construction.

We are currently working on new content and video tutorials to go in this section, check back later for more!

15. Additional Support

If you need fast help or need to talk to Support in person, please join our discord server and we'll be happy to help you!

This Help/Documentation was last updated on March 9th 2023.